There is nothing small about petty theft. They can have serious consequences on your entire life. If you been charged call Jason Cromey today for help.
Petty Theft (less than $300) § 812.014

Pensacola ➔ Gulf Breeze ➔ Pace
Top Petit Theft Defense Attorney Jason Cromey, Esq. on:
Petit Theft: F.S. 812.014

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Petit Theft – Petit theft is a first-degree misdemeanor when the value of the thing stolen (or attempted to be stolen) is more than $100 but less than $700. When the item’s value is less than $100 or cannot be proven, it is typically a second-degree misdemeanor.

Most petit theft charges have to do with shoplifting. Many people think petit theft, or shoplifting, is a minor crime and not that big of a deal. That is not necessarily true. Under Florida law, petit theft is an “enhancement” crime, meaning that the subsequent arrest for petit theft is more serious each time you are convicted. Your first one might be a second-degree misdemeanor. A few years later, you get arrested again – now it’s a first-degree misdemeanor. A couple of years go by, and you get in trouble again for stealing something as small as a chocolate bar from a gas station. A third or subsequent petit theft is a third-degree felony. The stakes are real.

The immediate consequences can also be serious – even a second-degree misdemeanor theft conviction can result in a 60-day jail sentence. Many employers will not even consider hiring someone convicted of stealing. Retail stores are never going to put you near a register. Many professions, such as nursing, look very poorly on convictions like this. The crime of theft is considered a crime of “moral turpitude.” In plain English, that means that you are a person that cannot be trusted and who does not tell the truth. A misdemeanor theft conviction can be used as impeachment when you testify and can also be the basis to take away your green card or another lawful immigration status.

There are many defenses to these charges. Two examples are that it was a simple mistake or that you had a reasonable belief that the item you took belonged to you. To ensure you do not squander your future over one bad choice, contact criminal defense attorney Jason Cromey to help you fight back against the government.