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Top MDMA Defense Attorney Jason Cromey, Esq. on:
Sale or Delivery of MDMA: F.S. 893.03
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Sale or Delivery of MDMA – MDMA is most commonly known as ecstasy. It is a psychoactive drug that increases euphoria and empathy and heightens sensations. It is popular in dance clubs, bars, and raves. MDMA usually comes in pill form. These days, most drug dealers mix ecstasy with other drugs, like ephedrine, methamphetamine, and opiates. The sale or distribution of ecstasy is a second-degree felony, carrying a possible punishment of up to 15 years in state prison.
While the drug is often associated with good times and partying, getting charged with selling or distributing ecstasy is a serious and sober situation. Like many other controlled substances, the seriousness of the charge increases if the sale occurs within 1000 feet of certain places like schools, churches, daycare facilities, parks, or convenience stores. If the sale occurs in one of these locations, you could be looking at a first-degree felony charge, punishable by up to 30 years in state prison.
Often the State will have difficulty establishing the requirements to prove that a place qualifies as a church, daycare facility, etc. They usually need to present evidence above and beyond the cop’s testimony.
When facing a charge as serious as selling or distributing MDMA, or ecstasy, you should look for an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you out of your situation.