Jason Cromey is a Pensacola burglary attorney with extensive experience defending burglary cases and, specifically, possession of burglary tools.

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Top Burglary Defense Attorney Jason Cromey, Esq. on:
Possession of Burglary Tools: F.S. 810.06

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Possession of Burglary Tools – § 810.06, Florida Statutes, makes it illegal to possess burglary tools. So what are burglary tools? Florida law defines a burglary tool as a crowbar, bolt cutter, or other tools someone could use to commit a burglary or a trespass. To prove the crime of possession of burglary tools, the State has to prove the following:

  1. The defendant intended to commit a burglary or trespass;
  2. The defendant had a burglary tool in their possession; and
  3. The defendant did some overt act toward the commission of a burglary or trespass.

Under Florida law, this crime is a third-degree felony which means that you could be facing an additional five years in state prison on top of any sentence you get for burglary or trespassing.