Cantonment ➔ Pensacola ➔ Navarre
Marijuana ➔ DUI ➔ Misdemeanor Crimes Attorney
Jason Cromey, Esq.
Need help? Read more about Pensacola Criminal Attorney Jason Cromey, Esq.
Misdemeanor charges are not something to take lightly. Fortunately, you have the right to a trial by jury and a right to have a lawyer represent you. Florida law defines any crime punishable by a year or less in jail as a misdemeanor. While not as serious as getting a felony in Pensacola, misdemeanors carry the possibility of jail time, a criminal record, and fines. A misdemeanor conviction can also result in the loss of your driver’s license, loss of your professional license, take away your ability to qualify for certain jobs or government assistance programs, and the list goes on. Criminal defense Jason Cromey has handled all of the most common misdemeanor crimes throughout his career.
Call Pensacola if you or one of your loved ones has been arrested for a misdemeanor here in Florida.