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Top Drug Defense Attorney Jason Cromey, Esq. on:
Drug Dealing
Drug Dealing – Drug dealing, known under Florida law as “sale or delivery,” is a crime that carries a variety of potential punishments depending on what kind of drug it is, the weight of the drug, and the location of the sale.
For example, the punishments for selling a small amount of marijuana are considerably less than for selling a large amount of cocaine. The penalty is also more severe for selling drugs near a school, a daycare facility, a city park, a convenience store, or a place of worship, such as a church.
Another common way of charging drug dealing is not for the actual “dealing” itself but for possessing the drugs with the intent of selling them. The government often tries to prove this crime by arguing that the weight of the drugs, the packaging of the drugs, or the fact that the drugs were located near other things (like scales) prove the defendant’s intentions to sell or distribute the drugs.